High-impact projects will be stalled or ended
Good ideas won’t get the support they deserve
Executives won’t deliver the needed decision or approval
Most audiences won’t be persuaded to take action
Working relationships might suffer
Team members’ careers won’t advance as quickly
“This training is the greatest investment my company has made in my development. It has made me a better and more confident presenter.”
— Maarten Verhezen
Telecom Business Development Benelux, Apple
“There were so many topics and tools I never thought about before taking this course. It will help my career and my business unit make better decisions.”
— Aaron Phillips
Regional Sales Manager, Trimble
“PowerSpeaking was the best and most practical workshop I have ever taken.”
— Ariel Mihic
Group Product Manager, Genentech
From $3,300
For 4-12 participants
Factors determining cost: Workshop length (4-8 hours), number of facilitators, 1:1 coaching, and delivery method
From $7,900
For 13-30 participants
Factors determining cost: Workshop length (4-8 hours), number of facilitators, 1:1 coaching, and delivery method
You and your team are probably comfortable and highly effective when presenting to peers, especially those familiar with your area of expertise. Like your peers, you not only find the technical detail interesting, but also necessary to sell you on an idea or convince you to act. Problem is, people outside your circle of specialists have a completely different perspective.
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They’re not familiar with the intricacies of your work, and they don’t understand your jargon. To convince them to support your proposal or take some other action, you need to know how to simplify complex data, show how your data benefits them, and do it all in an engaging way.
What you need is a research-based, proven methodology for presenting complex data to any audience—from management to professionals in other fields.
In this workshop, you’ll receive a systematic presentation framework that works. You’ll experience intensive, interactive practice sessions that help make the lessons stick. You’ll receive 1:1 coaching. And you’ll walk away with valuable reference materials.
Let HighTechSpeaking® transform your presentation and communication skills, so you and your team can have the impact you want.
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