Join us on August 15th for PowerSpeaking Live! Make Storytelling Your Power Skill!

Explore all of our presentation- and communication-skills workshops and coaching for teams of any size.

From comprehensive 4- to 8-hour workshops, to focused 90-minute sessions, to 1:1 and group coaching, our high-impact workshops give people the skills they need to be more powerful communicators.

The results? Faster and better decision making, more successful business outcomes, and stronger working relationships.


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Comprehensive & In-Depth Workshops

Rich, Transformational Learning Experiences

4-8 Hours Each

Give your team the kind of expert, research-based, hands-on training that makes learning stick. They’ll benefit from workshops that employ the latest technologies, sophisticated adult learning models, the most recent research in speech communication, 1:1 personalized coaching, and good old-fashioned cheerleading.

Transforms people into confident, engaging presenters who get results.

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Turns technical experts into clear, engaging, dynamic presenters.

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Enables presenters to succeed in a high-stakes environment.

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Helps people become more engaging, effective storytellers in a business environment.

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Helps women to be clear, confident, and courageous communicators.

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Gives content experts the skills and confidence to present at events with impact.

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Provides the strategies to transform salespeople into dependable corporate dealmakers.

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Gives people the invaluable skills and confidence to plan and lead highly productive meetings.

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Targeted Learning: PowerBlox™

Fast, Focused, Flexible Skill Development

90 Minutes Each

Empower your team to get the laser-focused, critical presentation and communication skills they need with our PowerBlox™ suite of 90-minute workshops. Each course provides highly interactive, intensive learning; guided practice; and expert feedback.

Concise Messaging

PowerBlox Strong Executive Opening
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Strong Executive Opening

PowerBlox Strong Executive Opening
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Handling Tough Questions

PowerBlox Handling Tough Questions
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Effective Presentation Design

PowerBlox Effective Presentation Design
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1:1 and Group Coaching

Personalized to Meet Your Teams Needs

1-2 Hours Each Session

Enable team members to benefit from the next-level skill development that comes from individualized, just-in-time coaching. Whether it’s for an upcoming presentation, a keynote at an industry conference, or for honing an important communication skill for career development, coaching can make all the difference.

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